The stronger sex also has its weaknesses. One of which is frigidity. This is a sexual disorder due to which the libido decreases or desire gradually disappears. Faced with such a problem, modern men feel a sense of shame. They refuse to see a doctor and prefer to look for independent solutions, having read advice on the Internet. Let's figure out what this problem is and how to solve it correctly.

How to understand that you are frigid
If something didn't work out in sex today, and tomorrow — everything is fine, it can not be called frigidity. Perhaps you simply did not have a desire for intimacy, or some personal problems interfered with the process. Alibidemia is put only if you constantly do not want intimate relationships for a long time. Frigidity does not include cases when a man satisfies his needs on the side or watching movies 18+.
You need to seriously pay attention to the state of your libido if you regularly encounter the following symptoms:
- intimate relationships become a duty and cause stress regardless of the partner;
- interest in sexual life fades, and from time to time erectile dysfunction occurs when potency fails;
- a feeling of inferiority is formed, anxiety grows, because the man thinks that something is wrong with him;
- achieving orgasm becomes too difficult or impossible at all;
- the level of testosterone production decreases, which can be confirmed by tests and which is confirmed by certain behavior: a person is constantly irritated, tired, suffers from mood swings;
- outright hostility to your partner appears;
- if sex occurs, the body reacts to the process passively: arousal is weak, no lubrication is released, there are no emotions;
- before and after sex, pain may appear in the genitals, anus.
Any discussion of the intimate sphere with a partner causes frank irritation and aggression.
If you find yourself in this situation, don't panic. You need to go to an appointment with a urologist and a sexologist to determine the diagnosis and receive treatment.
Where does frigidity come from
These are usually acquired causes, not congenital, so they can be dealt with.
- Voltage
No city dweller today can imagine his life without nervous tension. Stress awaits us everywhere: in transport, at work, at home, and even in the company of friends. It is not surprising that men in such conditions earn erectile dysfunction. Against the background of constant stress, anxiety, alibidemia can form.
- Bad Health
Not everyone can boast of excellent health, both mental and physical. People often suffer from schizophrenia, depression, neuroses. The list of popular physical ailments includes atherosclerosis, diabetes, diseases of the genitourinary system. Therefore, it is important to first carry out a full diagnosis in order to establish the cause, and only after that engage in treatment. And this whole process must be entrusted to a specialist.
Athletes may experience a waning interest in sex due to excessive training. Hormonal disruptions, other diseases, alcoholism, abuse of stimulants also negatively affect the state of the human sexual sphere.
- Age
Sometimes he is the cause. A man can desire and have sexual intercourse almost all his life. However, after 45 years, there is a decline in testosterone production, and with it — decreased sexual activity. But this is no reason to give up pleasure. Medicine allows you to extend men's health for a longer period. You will need to choose the right therapy.
- Psychological problems
Sometimes the reason must be looked for in a person's past and his sexual experience. Perhaps there is domestic violence, ridicule from the first partner, failure. All this can provoke further self-doubt and weak sexual activity, which gradually turns into general frigidity.
Sometimes the trigger can be the partner with whom the man is currently in a relationship. For example, her ostentatious coldness, a demonstration of a complete lack of interest in intimacy. Often the reason must be sought in the fact that the partner has lost her sexual attractiveness for a man.
Important to know! Male frigiditydoes not appear suddenly. The first bells appear long before the libido becomes drastically low and attracts attention. It can occur against the background of healthy and wonderful intimate relationships. Often this is evidence that a person has encountered hormonal problems. Sometimes they are due to heredity. One way or another, almost any form of frigidity is treatable.

What is the psychological subtext
A lot of research has been done in this area. Often men refer to headaches to avoid sex. So this is a trick used by both sexes. Another interesting observation concerns the fact that after 2-3 years of married life, husbands may have a migraine in the family bedroom. However, they willingly enter into intimate relationships outside their own apartment and without a wife.
Interesting to know! American researchers conducted a survey among 4,000 respondents who periodically refused intimate relationships with their spouses. The results were interesting:
- 68% gave up sex out of boredom, because the lack of fantasy in the family bedroom did not arouse desire;
- 48% of men periodically refuse intimacy due to financial problems, stress at work;
- 44% of respondents avoid sex because of the nature of a woman: we are talking about behavior when a wife begins to harshly criticize her chosen one, nurturing complexes and self-doubt in him;
- 38% speaks of a loss of passion due to the fact that the wife has lost sex appeal;
- 22% prefer to spend time watching erotic films or masturbating than to practice intimacy with their spouse.
The brain and psycho-emotional system of a modern man are subjected to enormous overload, which, of course, affects the quality of sexual life. After hard working days, you want to eat delicious food, watch a nice movie, relax with a smartphone in your hand, watching a feed with cats. And the meaning of sex is leveled. But this is how the harmonious state of a person is gradually disturbed.
How to cure male frigidity
If you understand that there is no interest in intimacy, there is disgust or an inability to ejaculate, be sure to contact a sexologist. The doctor will determine the causes of the condition and prescribe the necessary treatment. He will also send you to an appointment with a urologist, endocrinologist to rule out/confirm physiological problems.
Diagnostic examination consists of several stages:
- The doctor takes an anamnesis. This can be done orally or in the form of a questionnaire that the man is asked to complete. So the doctor establishes exactly when the patient noticed a decrease in sexual desire, what it could be connected with.
- An external inspection is in progress. The urologist draws attention to the features of the anatomical structure of the external genital organs, the nature of the hairline.
- An instrumental examination is being carried out. Ultrasound of the prostate gland, small pelvis, dopplerography of the penis is prescribed. According to indications, tomography, CT or MRI are done.
- Collection of laboratory tests. Usually, a blood and urine test, a lipid profile to assess the risk of atherosclerosis, tests for latent infections, and a hormonal profile are prescribed.
- Specific tests are performed to assess the quality of erection.
As for the treatment, it is prescribed after the diagnosis is made and the cause of the problem is found. The complex of procedures depends on the identified cause.
The complex may include:
- hormone therapy;
- sessions with a psychologist;
- sessions with a sexologist;
- taking drugs that increase libido;
- massage, aromatherapy.
Doctors also give general recommendations. For example, to increase the quantity and quality of rest, to get new impressions, preferably together with a partner.
It is equally important to monitor risk factors. Exclude:
- obesity;
- smoking;
- alcohol;
- drugs.
You need to monitor your blood pressure in order to exclude hypertension, which also negatively affects intimate life. But the main — do not walk away from the problem, but acknowledge it and start solving it.

How our massage parlor can help in this situation
Doctors focus on both traditional medicine in the form of pills, sessions with a psychotherapist and sexologists, and non-standard medicine. A special place is occupied by massage practices and aromatherapy, which can be successfully combined.
Frigidity in men does not equal impotence. A man can be active, achieve an erection, but does not want it. The process is associated with negative feelings, disappointment, fatigue. Lost interest in what used to bring so much pleasure. However, the ability remains. Therefore, sexologists recommend correcting the situation as follows:
- more rest;
- learn how to relax properly;
- get new experiences to bring back the taste of life.
Our massage parlor will help you with the latest recommendations. Masseuses successfully work in the field of arousal. They are able to awaken fantasies, erogenous zones and work with points on the body responsible for pleasure. They support different scenarios that can be pleasant and desirable for the guest. And some techniques, for example, stimulation of the prostate or lingam, directly affect the quality of erection. In such luxurious hands, it is easier for a man to believe in himself and his irresistibility, to regain confidence and desire for intimacy.
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