Gentle and strong hands work wonders. That is why traditional massage has a lot of fans. However, this is far from the limit of a pleasant stay. Beneficial practice can be combined with sensory techniques for even more valuable benefits. Each eromassage begins with the fact that a beautiful and naked girl kneads you no worse than a masseuse from a medical room.

How a traditional massage is done
Classic — this is a massage body or its individual sections with the help of hands alone. No apparatus or devices are provided. In order not to damage the skin, massage oil is used.
First, the neck and head are worked out, then — other parts of the body below. The masseuse moves towards the lymph nodes. However, the nodes themselves are not massaged. First, large parts of the body are washed through — shoulders, lower back, buttocks, and then — arms, legs.
When affecting each zone, the following is taken into account:
- from the front, the impact is carried out along the intercostal lines;
- the neck is worked from top to bottom towards the collarbones;
- hands are massaged from the hand to the elbow, and then — to the armpits;
- when massaging the lower body, movements are made towards the groin, knees;
- the abdomen is massaged as the clock progresses;
- lower back protrudes towards the genitals.
Basic massage is therapeutic. It enhances blood flow, lymph flow, relieves clamps, helps restore muscle elasticity.
Basic massage techniques
The masseuse uses different techniques:
- Stroking. Can be light and with pressure. Hands glide over the body without causing pain. They help improve skin elasticity, tone blood vessels, normalize blood and lymph flow. They also reduce pain, relieve tension.
- Rubbing. The girl moves the skin to the sides, using pinching, raking and screwing movements. Joint mobility increases, ligament flexibility increases, blood flow and tissue regeneration increase.
- Kneading. Muscles are pressed down with effort, shifted, and then lifted and stretched, moving to their original position. There is an increase in muscle tone and contractility. Increases metabolism, improves absorption of nutrients. Wounds heal faster, deposits dissolve better.
- Vibration. The girl acts on the body with light oscillatory movements. This stabilizes vascular tone: high blood pressure decreases, and low — is growing. If there is pain in the muscles, organs, they weaken. Improved performance of internal systems. Tendon reflexes are getting stronger, and the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is getting better.
- Tapping. One of the variants of vibration, which is light blows with the knuckles. It improves the work of the central nervous system, it is useful for the whole organism.
- Push-ups. Reminiscent of stroking, but more intense, rhythmic. Like the previous methods, it improves blood circulation, lymph outflow. As a result, swelling, congestion in the pelvic organs, and deposits decrease.
The masseuse can use one or both hands, act only with the pads or with the whole palm, fist or edge of the palm. The sequence of techniques, the strength with which they are performed, as well as the direction of movement, the girl determines on her own. The state of health of the guest, as well as his wishes, are taken into account. Regardless of the program, the procedure begins and ends with strokes.
Interesting to know! At first, everything is done slowly, gently and carefully. In the process, the pressure increases, the speed increases. This is done to enhance the effect on the body. It is important to understand that the skin needs to be protected from injury. To ensure perfect glide, ease of movement, the body is lubricated with massage oil. Movement is carried out in a straight line, spirals, circles, zigzags and even strokes.

Who can and can't
Massage is recommended for everyone. But there are cases when it is especially needed and important:
- stagnation in muscles, organs;
- joint mobility worsens, pain in the back, neck or lower back occurs;
- muscle tissue is weak, flabby;
- need to recover from injury or prolonged illness;
- immunity is reduced;
- frequent respiratory diseases;
- skin problems.
A massage course is useful for everyone who does not move much in everyday life: works in the office, does not play sports, often stresses and experiences anxiety. If you are faced with fatigue, loss of energy, apathy and sleep problems, massage practices can also help.
But sometimes the course needs to be postponed:
- acute phase of the disease;
- blood diseases, bleeding, thrombosis;
- thrombophlebitis;
- infections, fungal skin lesions;
- active tuberculosis, chronic osteomyelitis;
- neoplasms during treatment;
- hyper- and hypotensive crisis;
- nausea, vomiting, severe abdominal pain;
- mental disorders.
If you or a specialist doubt that massage is safe and justified, you should consult your doctor. This will allow you to protect yourself, eliminate the risks of deterioration.
What benefit do you get
Massage benefits the whole body:
- Cleanses the skin of keratinized particles of the epidermis. Normalizes the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Helps pores to become less clogged, reduces acne.
- Increases blood circulation, lymph flow. The work of all systems and internal organs improves.
- Starts an increased metabolism. Improves the absorption of nutrients.
- Improves recovery, muscle tissue growth.
- Increases efficiency, removes nervous tension, calms. The brain releases a large amount of endorphins, due to which this effect occurs.
- Regeneration is accelerated. Improves recovery after injuries and operations. The pain is gone.
Each person notes that after a course of massage, there is more strength. For many, it helps to get rid of fatigue, depression, insomnia and irritability.
Continued full body massage
But what happens next? And then a charming girl turns an ordinary massage into an erotic one. To do this, she touches and strokes you more persistently, covering the most piquant erogenous points. Such an endless stream of caresses, which is performed not only with hands, but also with buttocks and breasts, will not leave anyone indifferent. In addition to this, you can admire the luxurious naked body of the girl. A bright climax is guaranteed.

Spice up your classic massage
When the body is warmed up, and the blood is actively running through the veins, unique massage techniques will not interfere. Bonus "Sakura Branch" will make you tremble from the mere breath of a girl, and a lingam massage will bring incredible pleasure. Fans of women's legs, the four-hand format, as well as spectacular peep shows will also find an option for themselves. In total, our assortment includes 45+ types of programs and a large number of add-ons.
The network of salons «EGOIST» knows everything about pleasure. Come at any time, because we work 24/7 in different parts of St. Petersburg.