
How masseuses are selected

    All the most interesting things in the erotic massage industry. Materials from the network of erotic massage salons for men Egoist.


    First of all, the experience and skills of potential masseuses are taken into account - they give a significant advantage. Indeed, in erotic massage there are many different techniques, and it is important for masseuses to master the largest number of them. However, this does not mean that without experience breaking into the sphere will not work.

    We have our own massage training course, which is taught by a professional trainer. It helps newcomers build a base from scratch, master the basics of classic and erotic massage, and also demonstrates various additional techniques. Such a course consists of theoretical training and 3-4 practical exercises, in which girls are clearly shown how and what to do. At the end of the training, participants take an exam so that we can be sure that they will cope with the work. Also, a girl can, at her own request, join an experienced master and observe the process.n0tpk9exk818fd7qwtf0h3di3p43b5v4.jpg

    The second, no less important criterion is appearance. The future masseuse should be well-groomed, tidy and preferably slender and fit. However, it cannot be said that the requirements are the same as in modeling agencies. Moreover, appearance is a subjective criterion and, in order to meet the wishes of all visitors, it is worthwhile to allow diversity.

    We all have very different girls. Take growth, for example: we had a masseuse with a height of thirty meters, she was 27 years old, and she was in great demand. The desire and desire to work is much more important here. Girls who are really burning this thing, very quickly drawn in and enjoy the process themselves. Naturally, guests benefit from this.

    Material provided by BroDude magazine: https://brodude.ru/vzglyad-iznutri-kak-ustroena-rabota-eroticheskogo-massazhnogo-salona/n9qf30qdgxjxa1w82p8wilnif6xz4ujq.jpg

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