
Indie massage: a universal remedy for all worries and problems

    All the most interesting things in the erotic massage industry. Materials from the network of erotic massage salons for men Egoist.

    India — the very country where massage has become a part of not only medicine, but also everyday life. Ayurveda considers a person as a whole, from which it is impossible to remove one organ and treat it. Therefore, all massage techniques that have ever been invented here are aimed at solving a wide range of problems, including working with sexual energy. Is it any wonder that Indian developments formed the basis of many eromassage programs.

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    What is Indian massage?

    Indian massage— it is a wide variety of techniques that are united by a certain approach to the human body. They not only relax physically, but also cleanse the energy. What is most interesting, the techniques were developed many centuries ago and have not changed much since then.

    Basic design principles are:

    • The head is massaged no less, if not longer, than the rest of the body. With light circular movements, the oil is rubbed against hair growth. The masseuse slightly presses on the point behind the ears to act on the marma (energy center of the body).
    • The neck and upper spine, as well as the arms, are worked out with circular rubbing. Hard pressing is prohibited.
    • Movements in the area of the heart, navel should be light, careful.
    • The abdomen is massaged clockwise, back, spine — longitudinal movements.
    • Legs, thighs, calves are rubbed vigorously, and foot massage, like head massage, takes a long time.

    Features of indie massage

    Manual practices from India are in high demand. It is based on Ayurveda, which has knowledge of managing energy sources, as well as healing techniques for health.

    The key features of Indian technology are as follows:

    1. Lots of oil. In the traditional performance, the girl dips her fingers into a bowl of warm oil, and then applies it to every part of the body. If necessary, oil is poured directly onto the body in a thin stream. This allows you to make massage movements easy.

    2. Hygiene first. A person must take a bath before and after the procedure.

    3. The whole body is massaged. Particular attention is paid to the soft parts of the head, neck, shoulders, feet. It is here that energy centers are concentrated, which are responsible for the state of internal systems and organs.

    There are no force pressings, as in Thai massage. The body is worked out with gentle, measured movements of a small and medium degree of intensity. Energy points in the epicenter of attention.

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    Types of Indian massage, including erotic massages

    Indian techniques are universal. They help to cope with diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis, as well as diseases of the internal organs. Masters can use bags with herbs, marble and basalt stones, aromatherapy during the provision of the service.

    1. Abhyanga

    The name literally translates as "to rub the limbs". First, oil is applied to the surface of the entire body. It should be slightly absorbed into the skin. And then in the abdomen and chest, the masseuse rubs the skin in a circular motion in the direction of the heart. This increases blood flow to the limbs. Often two specialists work on a guest at once: one for each side. This is done in order to ensure an even flow of blood to every part of the body, organs, tissues.

    Not a single centimeter of skin is left without attention. This allows you to adjust the figure, work out all the muscles. Enhanced blood circulation allows you to increase concentration, relieve stress, overcome chronic fatigue.

    1. Shirodhara

    Head massage technique using therapeutic oils. Today, special oil equipment is used for it, which allows you to direct the oil stream to the forehead and the “third eye” area. The muscles of the face relax, and behind them — other. The guest comprehends complete peace and serenity. The tension in the neck and shoulders is relieved, and the nervous system gets the opportunity to reboot. The face is tightened, the skin and hair look healthy, well-groomed.

    1. Urichil

    This is the name of a technique that allows you to deeply work out soft tissues, including muscles and internal organs. During the sessions, you will experience complete relaxation, increased blood flow and lymph outflow. And since the energy flows amplify automatically, toxins are actively removed from the body. The procedure is known for its cleansing and rejuvenating effect.

    1. Padabhyang

    The masseuse works exclusively with the feet, but the benefits will be for the whole body. Reflex and biologically active points are carefully studied. For greater effect, complex Ayurvedic formulations of 30 or more oils can be used. But the result is surprising: fatigue, insomnia, depressive states disappear.

    1. Swedana

    An ideal practice to get rid of cellulite. For this, medicinal herbs, ground into powder, are used. They act like a peel. First, oil is applied, and then herbal collection. Regular practice helps to reduce weight, correct the figure. It is recommended to use together with a steam room. However, it is prohibited for certain skin diseases, superficial injuries.

    1. Marma

    Unique acupressure. There are about 1000 biologically active points or marmas on the human body. These are small areas of the body with a large number of nerve endings. They are also erogenous zones, because they have increased sensitivity. Some are just under the skin, while others are buried a couple of centimeters deep. Therefore, it is important not only to find such a point, but also to ensure the correct pressure.

    Marmas — energy centers that are associated with certain tissues or organs. If you work them out correctly, you can remove energy blocks, muscle clamps. First, the whole body is well oiled and warmed up, and then the marmas are worked out. Usually this type of massage is associated with pleasant sensations.

    1. Tantra

    This word is known to everyone and everyone. Usually it is associated with eroticism. In fact, the technique is deeper. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that originally tantra was a couples massage. Her task was to connect people not only with bodily attraction, but also with a spiritual connection. The session did not necessarily end with sex, but almost always brought fantastic sensations and an enchanting finale.

    Usually, the session is held on the floor. The masseuse sits next to the partner in a comfortable position. All her movements should be smooth and gentle. If any pain or tension arises, it is transferred to the session partner. Aroma oils and incense are a good help to achieve the desired effect. Hands, oil should be warm. First, the substance is applied to the back, and then to other parts of the body. In the finale, you can use slightly perceptible and chaotic touches to awaken erogenous zones and bring maximum pleasure to your partner.

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    What is the benefit of eromassage in Indian style?

    Today, Indian eromassage has taken a little bit of everything from various ancient techniques. Naturally, most of the masseuses were borrowed from tantra.

    The benefits of a session for a man or woman will be enormous:

    • muscles warm up, stretch, restore their former elasticity;

    • the skin is well moisturized and saturated with useful trace elements, it begins to shine;

    • chronic fatigue, depressive states go away;

    • the nervous system returns to normal, sleep improves;

    • improves attention, concentration, memory;

    • the feeling of inner harmony returns;

    • body, mind first relax and then tone up;

    • energy replenishment of one's reserves;

    • toxins are removed, the body is rejuvenated.

    Even after one session, you can feel an incredible surge of strength, vivacity, good mood. And if the massage is performed by two naked beauties — and even more so.

    The effectiveness of eromassage

    Indian massage helps to relax, rejuvenate and improve well-being in various ways.

    The technique and forces of interaction are selected for each guest individually. Much depends on age, body constitution, health status:

    • for thin, asthenic folded, light, soothing movements are selected;

    • for normosthenics, having a physique of average density — invigorating movements, rubbing;

    • for overweight people — an active massage that penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin.
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    Performing an indie massage — nuances

    Western massage techniques operate on the principle from the periphery to the center — from the extremities to the middle of the body. However, Ayurveda allows the opposite. It all depends on the purpose of the procedure. The masseuse can start working from the middle of the abdomen, going down to the upnyam or rising to the crown.

    Masseuses often use special techniques:

    • A water lily leaf. The oil is distributed throughout the body in small, chaotic movements in a circle.

    • Crescent. Movements along the body are performed in a semicircle: only with fingers, the palm is not involved.

    • Wave. Long smooth strokes of the back and abdomen, which resemble the movement of waves. The pressure is felt, but it is smooth, not too strong.

    • Peacock. The impact is made with widely spaced fingers on the joints, abdomen, buttocks.

    The legs always warm up from the groin to the knees, from the knees to the feet. In the region of the heart, the pressure weakens.


    The network of salons «EGOIST» invites you to the world of erotic massage. Try unusual impact techniques that will take you into a world of fantasy and incredible sensations, but without intimacy. Salons are open 24/7, and more than 100 girls are ready to make the most unusual sensual practices a reality. We will keep your anonymity and provide maximum comfort!

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