Constant stress, lack of quality rest, improper diet — All this can provoke a weakening of the erection. And problems with potency always have a negative impact on the mental state of a man. We figure out how you can additionally help yourself in such a situation.

How to improve potency without pills
An erection does not please with constancy. This is an occasion to visit a doctor, as well as additionally support the body. Experts advise several simple ways:
- Add cardio. The intensity of blood circulation depends on the state of the cardiovascular system. And with it, the level of testosterone, which is responsible for potency and desire, varies. It is important to know that gym training is recommended even in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
- Reduce stress. When we are under stress, the heart rhythm is disturbed, blood pressure rises, mood worsens. It's all the fault of the stress hormone — cortisol. It is important to reduce its amount in the body. Otherwise, not only intimate life will suffer.
- Enrich your diet. To prevent sexual impotence, add foods that increase blood flow to your diet. These are bananas, hot peppers, avocados, garlic.
- Leave the light on. It is important for a man to see the object of his passion, to admire his beauty and seductiveness. Therefore, in the dark, potency may decrease, and in the light — rise. Because seeing is no less important than touching.
Other bodily practices, such as erotic massage, fit perfectly into the theme of touch. The girl first physically warms up all the muscles, starts active blood flow, and then begins to touch the erogenous zones to bring the guest to the peak of pleasure.
Proper nutrition
Potency and proper nutrition are closely related. If you include in the diet foods that enhance male performance, you get:
- more testosterone, which is responsible for a consistently strong erection;
- Improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which is responsible for the blood supply to the whole body;
- a complex of vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health;
- stimulation of libido, and with it an increase in desire, pleasure.
This kind of nutrition does not require much effort or high costs. Simple foods rich in protein, vitamins, minerals bring benefits:
- seafood;
- fish — steamed, boiled, baked;
- veal, chicken, lean pork;
- low-fat fermented milk products;
- vegetables, in particular carrots, sweet bell peppers, onions, garlic;
- fruits, including pomegranates, citrus fruits, apples;
- bee products — honey, propolis;
- various herbs;
- walnuts.
Proper nutrition — guarantee of good functioning of the whole organism. It increases tone, vitality, improves mental abilities, intestinal function, as well as the excretory system.

Physical exercise
Almost any doctor will say that hypotension — key problem in modern society. Office work, lack of walks, physical activity affect all systems in the body, and potency is no exception. Therefore, in the gym, not only the strength of the muscular corset is pumped, but also sexual capabilities.
The beauty is that all the exercises that help improve erections are already familiar to you.
- Pelvic lift
The person lies on his back, bending his knees. And then it begins to slowly raise and lower the pelvis. This practice allows you to improve mobility during intercourse, expand the range of motion, and also provide a rush of blood to the pelvic organs.
- Lunges
A classic stretching and stability exercise that increases blood flow to the pelvic area. Another such training increases endurance, which increases the time of sexual intercourse.
- Squats
Regular squats serve the same purpose. A prerequisite: the back is straight, and the heels are confidently on the floor. At the bottom point, you need to linger for a few minutes. It affects not only the quality of sexual life, but also prevents the appearance of hemorrhoids.
- Push-ups
Strengthen the upper body, the cardiovascular system. If you perform them regularly, you can notice the difference in intensity, the strength of the jolts during intimacy.
- Butterfly from prone position
The elasticity of the muscles is of particular importance, because they are constantly stretched and tightened during sexual activity. Exercise relaxes the inner thighs, the thighs themselves. And after it, you can strain and relax the muscles of the perineum several times.
- Plank
The best way to increase the endurance of the whole body is to provide intense blood flow in a few minutes. Strengthens the muscular corset, and with it — your possibilities in bed.
- Stretching
One of the objective causes of problems with potency is the deterioration of blood flow in the pelvic organs, which is provoked by a sedentary lifestyle. Hence — high need for stretching. If you increase the elasticity of the muscles, the blood will flow better to the pelvic organs. This will increase sensitivity, make ejaculation brighter. And stretching is good because you can experiment with positions and not be afraid to dislocate your joint.
- Kegel exercises
Most girls know what Kegel exercises are. They allow you to develop the muscles of the perineum. But what's even more interesting is that Arnold Kegel's technique works on men too.
For reference! For starters, each exercise should be done 10 times. As for the bar, you can start with a comfortable time for you, gradually increasing it. All movements are performed slowly, with maximum amplitude, so that the muscles do not stretch and spasm back, but effectively stretch.
Stress reduction
What's wrong with stress? When the body is stressed, the adrenal glands produce two hormones: adrenaline and cortisone. This release helps to gather in a few seconds, make a dash and escape from danger. For example, run away from an intruder or pass an exam. However, under chronic stress, cortisol is constantly produced. As a result, a person feels tired, exhausted, cannot recover. And in men, in addition, testosterone production decreases.
Norepinephrine and epinephrine affect the alpha-adrenergic receptors of smooth muscle cells, including erectile tissues. Provoke spasm, which leads to loss of erection. And several failures in a row can cause a psychological sequence of reactions: fear of expecting failure — exacerbation of stress — next failure.

Folk remedies
Alternative medicine pays great attention to the issues of potency. Her list contains many recipes that help restore the lost ability to get excited faster and keep this feeling for a long time.
Recipes are as simple as possible:
- mix 100 ml of honey with the same amount of walnuts — take 5 g three times a day;
- take 100 g of St. John's wort, brew 300 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse — take 30 ml three times a day;
- Pour 50 g of propolis into 100 ml of vodka, put in a dark place for two weeks — take 35 drops three times a day before meals, diluted with warm milk;
- Pour 120 g of aspen bark with 600 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour, and then drink 100 ml three times a day; .
- mix 15 g of ground ginseng root, 350 g of honey, 30 ml of vodka and leave for 10 days — receive by ½ teaspoon three times a day for 1.5-2 months.
You can also add essential oils to the bath or apply on the wrists. The aromas of patchouli, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, juniper are especially good.
Herbs to improve potency
Not all herbs are good for solving a problem. For example, the well-known mint and lemon balm reduce testosterone levels. But the following plants are highly respected in the male world, because they allow you to naturally compensate for the deficiency of zinc, vitamins E and C, allicin and phytosterol.
- Green Chinese Oolong
An excellent source of zinc, antioxidants, and other valuable trace elements. Strengthens the immune system and also increases blood flow. Its regular consumption will be an excellent prevention of prostate adenoma. Three to four cups a day will increase testosterone levels, and with it — potency. To enhance the effect of drinking tea, you can add a few slices of ginger root, which is considered a natural aphrodisiac, to the cup.
- Karkade
Another healthy drink that came to us from Egypt. Rich in amino acids, vitamin C, iron, and also improves blood circulation. It is doubly useful for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system. With regular use, it increases libido and sexual desire.
- Black tea
There is less zinc in this drink than in the previous ones. However, if you brew it with thyme, you can get a healing decoction for potency. After all, thyme is an excellent source of zinc, vitamins, antioxidants that allow the male genital organs to work perfectly. You can just drink a course of decoctions of thyme. To do this, 2 tablespoons of grass are poured with a liter of water and left overnight. Take four times a day.
- Chinese lemongrass
Decoction of it stimulates spermatogenesis, improves erection, prolongs sexual intercourse.
- Ivan tea
Can be brewed like regular tea. In this case, the plant is a good prevention of prostatitis. Increases the tone in the body, and with it — potency. Contains a large amount of vitamin C, flavonoids, antioxidants, valuable elements.

Preventive measures
They say it's easier to prevent than to repair. Therefore, you need to understand what to avoid in life. For example, try not to be overloaded at work, and devote weekends to rest. Chronic stress and depression are detrimental to potency. Such conditions should be stopped in time with the help of psychologists and antidepressants.
Active rest will always help to reboot, get a dose of endorphins and serotonin. Your minimum — morning exercises, but it is better to start running or go to the gym. And if the work is sedentary, it is useful to regularly take breaks and move.
Directly during sexual intercourse, do not withdraw into yourself. Voice your desires, choose positions that are most comfortable and in which you feel confident.
The following tips will also be helpful:
- master relaxation and stress control techniques;
- rest so as to restore your strength;
- get enough sleep;
- find interests outside of work;
- Contact a psychotherapist who will teach you how to relax and relieve stress, as well as a urologist who will prescribe drugs to treat erectile dysfunction.
A visit to the doctor is a must. Don't be afraid of what the expert has to say. Modern drugs and technologies allow you to cope with problems of any degree of complexity.

Influence of eromassage on male potency
Massage in any form is a great way to strengthen the whole body. It has a positive effect on the circulatory system, increasing blood flow. It can also be tonic or relaxing — depending on the target. If you use it with the right oils, you can create a real miracle. Mood improves, fatigue is removed, strength appears.
If massage is performed professionally, it becomes a means of dealing with certain ailments. Not an exception and a weak potency. Experienced masseuses know perfectly how the human body works and what points you need to press to get the desired effect. And if we add to this that the procedure is carried out with the help of a naked girl's body, the wow effect is guaranteed. The guest not only feels incredible excitement due to the fact that a naked girl touches him in different places. But also because he can admire a beautiful masseuse.
The network of erotic salons «EGOIST» invites you to get new sensations and improve your health during intimate massage sessions. More than 45 programs we offer our guests to choose from. It will not be difficult to choose a companion, as we have more than 100 masseuses of different ages and builds. It remains to contact the administrator and discuss all the nuances. According to the loyalty program, you can increase the massage time by paying the same price.