
Point G: where to find and how to stimulate? Experts of EGOIST salons tell

    All the most interesting things in the erotic massage industry. Materials from the network of erotic massage salons for men Egoist.

    Each man has already developed his own preferences in the field of pleasure and there are proven methods that always turn on. However, this does not mean that you should stop exploring yourself and try something new. The process of learning new sensations is truly endless.

    One way to push the boundaries of your own idea of ​​pleasure is to massage the G-spot. Those who have tried it will confirm that this is pleasure of a completely different order.

    What is the G-spot in men and where is it located?

    The male version of the G-spot is the prostate. A small gland the size of a walnut and weighing 20 grams, which is located under the bladder, somewhere between the pubic bones and the rectum. It is she who is responsible for the production of the main male secret - ejaculate. And she often becomes a stumbling block in love games, because she belongs to the zone of taboo body parts.

    The prostate is permeated with veins and arteries, nerve endings, and is also firmly connected by vessels that are located directly on the penis. Hence the high sensitivity of this organ to stimulation and incredibly vivid sensations during ejaculation.

    The main disadvantage is that the man's Ji point is securely hidden. It is not easy to find it, and it can only be done through the anus, which scares many men. Because the pleasures associated with this area are often associated with same-sex relationships and cause intensely negative emotions.

    In fact, stimulation of the prostate gland allows you to achieve incredibly strong ejaculation and a biased attitude towards this practice, you deprive yourself of sensational sensations.

    How to stimulate?

    When we figured out where the trigger point is located, it remains to understand how to stimulate it correctly. We will analyze the main stages of preparation and the massage itself, so that the effect is guaranteed.

    1. Preparation. Stimulation of the prostate will be comfortable and most successful if a man takes a few minutes to prepare. It is to cleanse the intestines naturally or do it with an enema. So you eliminate discomfort during the massage.
    2. Atmosphere. A man should feel comfortable, safe. He must fully trust the master who performs the manipulation. Without this, relaxation will be incomplete, and this is fraught with the fact that the desired effect will not work. Internal uncertainty leads to contraction of the sphincters and the complete failure of the sexual experiment. The room should be comfortable, clean, the light should be subdued. It is good if quiet music is played for relaxation. And the guest himself must express a desire to experiment, otherwise, instead of pleasure, only pain and irritation will result.
    3. Preliminary relaxation. You can not start searching for the prostate at the very beginning of the massage practice. First you need to relax and warm up the body. For this, erotic massage is perfect. The girl massages the guest with her hips, breasts or buttocks. And only when all the erogenous zones are activated, the sensitivity is increased to the maximum, then you can proceed to the most delicate practice.
    4. Comfortable posture. Let's figure out how to find the G-spot in a man. The partner can lie on his back. The girl very delicately inserts her finger into the anus, after carefully lubricating the finger and anus with a suitable lubricant.

      Another position that can be more comfortable: a man lies on his right side, pulls his legs up. This position not only makes it easier for the masseuse, but also allows you to experience multiple ejaculations. The reason is that in this position, the pelvic muscles relax as much as possible.

    5. Pause for a breather. When the male Ji point is found, a short pause is needed to give the guest the opportunity to get used to the new state, to evaluate the sensations that he experiences.
    6. Movements. Stimulation should be gentle but rhythmic. You need to continue until the man experiences a bright ejaculation.

    What feelings can you get?

    There is something incredibly exciting about trying something new. A slight feeling of "forbiddenness" only spurs libido, allows fantasy to roam. At the same time, the opportunity to explore yourself, the desires and abilities of your own body is a great way to expand the boundaries of intimate life, make it more intense and colorful.

    Gee's erotic massage proves that there are many ways to reach the finish line. And not always the traditional way can be as bright, emotional, memorable as something new. We are accustomed to think that only the sexual organs are responsible for pleasure. But in fact, every cell of our body is capable of experiencing pleasure, giving acute excitement. And the excitation point Ji is an excellent confirmation of this. Her stimulation brings phenomenally powerful emotional experiences and a fantastic release.

    Benefits of Prostate Stimulation

    If you ask sexologists, they will answer that G's erotic massage is a very useful activity. It helps prevent the development of prostatitis and solves some problems in the intimate area. For example, difficulties with libido or potency. For those who still doubt the exclusivity of this practice, here are the main advantages:

    1. Improves blood circulation. When a person is young, blood circulates through the body as actively as possible. It quickly rushes to the pelvic organs, the prostate gland, providing an excellent erection and the absence of problems in the genital area. However, with age and office work, blood circulation becomes less active. There may be congestion in the pelvic organs, which negatively affects potency. Therefore, additional stimulation will help keep your sex life bright and rich.
    2. Strengthening the muscles of the prostate. You already know that the prostate gland is responsible for ejaculation. It contracts regularly to send semen during ejaculation. Hence the unforgettable experience. And the stronger the muscles, the better the organ performs its basic functions.
    3. Benefits for libido. And again we return to the issue of blood circulation. The more active the blood rushes to the cavernous bodies in the penis, the more stable the erection will be. Potency and libido depend in some way on the same factor.
    4. A great way to relax and deal with stress. Surviving an enchanting ejaculation is the best way to relax, get rid of tension, heavy thoughts. Together with ejaculation, the hormones of happiness are released into the blood, so the state of health instantly improves, and the problems no longer seem so oppressive.
    5. New sensations. Those who have tried this type of massage know that the sensations are completely different than with normal stimulation and ejaculation. More nerve endings are involved, so the effect is amazing.

    G-spot erotic massage for men

    Erotic prostate massage is a popular service. Someone is afraid to confess their preferences to a partner, so they go to a massage parlor for experiments. Someone intends to get maximum pleasure, so he puts himself in the hands of a professional. And some people know that in the network of EGOIST salons, they thoroughly approach the stimulation of the J point in men, providing complete relaxation, a confidential atmosphere and skilled masseuses. And there are two types of influence here.

    1. External

      For those who are emotionally or physically unprepared for classical stimulation, an alternative option is offered. You can massage the point from the outside. When a man is at the peak of arousal, the prostate becomes noticeably more visible from the outside. In the gap between the scrotum and anus, you can feel the sensitive area. And if you correctly influence it, the sensations will be excellent.

    2. internal

      We have already talked about this method. It is he who gives a man bright and unforgettable emotions.

    Find out how vivid ejaculations are in salons

    We invite you to experience the extravaganza of the senses, get proven health benefits and unleash your sexual potential through the famous G-spot massage. Our masseuses will skillfully conduct any type of stimulation, and the administrator will make sure that your visit remains confidential.

    The salons of the chain operate in St. Petersburg 24/7. We offer 45 different massage programs to choose from. A loyalty program is available to our regular customers.

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