
Tantric massage in EGOIST salons: these sessions will be remembered for a long time

    All the most interesting things in the erotic massage industry. Materials from the network of erotic massage salons for men Egoist.

    The roots of tantric massage go back to ancient times. There, where people knew how to achieve the highest relaxation and enjoyment. This practice allows you to relax as much as possible, achieve harmony, and with it - fantastic sensations during ejaculation. The masseuses of the EGOIST salon network have been trained in tantric techniques, so they know exactly how to bring relaxation and exotic pleasure into your life!

    What is tantra massage?

    Tantra is an ancient Indian erotic practice that has been around for over five thousand years. From Sanskrit, the word is translated as "woven together." And this is a very accurate definition, because the practice allows you to combine the spiritual, emotional and physical beginnings, as well as the bodies of two or more people.

    Tantric erotic massage today is an oil massage, which is carried out with the hands or the whole body according to a special technique. Moreover, ejaculation is not the main goal of the ancient practice, but a pleasant addition. The technique allows you to eliminate energy and emotional blocks using the energy of pleasure.

    Eromassage helps a man relieve tension, get rid of extraneous thoughts and completely relax. Each touch of the masseuse gives pleasant sensations that spread like a wave throughout the body. And the longer the session lasts, the brighter the flame of excitement flares up. The effect of tantra is a feeling of deep relaxation, peace, as well as a surge of energy, sexual stamina, pain relief and improved sleep.

    Features of tantric massage

    Tantric erotic massage is a whole game. Initially, it was believed that only by playing and gradually exploring each other, partners achieve energy unity. In this state, Yin and Yang, souls and bodies are intertwined. So, it will turn out to achieve the highest pleasure.

    The purpose of massage is to achieve emotional and physical relaxation. Therefore, the masseuse gently affects the body of a man in order to get rid of negative thoughts, tension, tightness, and accumulated stress.

    Tantra normalizes metabolic processes in the body, accelerates the elimination of toxins and toxins. The general tone and energy potential increase, the forces appear to do something new and bring changes into one's own life. The body is rejuvenated, healed, and with it - libido.

    If we consider in detail the massage practice, it includes three stages:

    1. Visualization or triggering of the basic instinct. Man perceives the world through visual images. To set it up in the right way, you need to create a sexual atmosphere, excite the imagination, and launch erogenous zones. A naked masseuse gently strokes the guest's body, making him relax and feel aroused.
    2. Breath or passion. Breathing practice contributes to the fact that the blood flow increases, the brain absorbs more oxygen, and the erogenous zones become as sensitive as possible. Properly set breathing is the very key to enjoyment.
    3. Love. Its embodiment is the massage itself, as well as the accompanying atmosphere. The girl begins to knead the body from legs to head, using not only her hands, but also other parts of her body, including her heated breasts and elastic buttocks. All this happens in cozy apartments with subdued lights and soft relaxing music. The session may be accompanied by one or more bright ejaculations. However, this is not the end of the session.

    The right choice of oil

    To make the movements gentle and light, oil must be used during the massage. Well, if it has a discreet sweetish aroma.

    The oil facilitates sliding, cares for the skin and provides the fastest relaxation of muscles, ligaments, and the whole body. First, it warms up a little in the hands, and only after that it is applied to the skin. Suitable olive, argan, almond, coconut oil.

    You can add a few drops of essential oils to it to increase the exciting properties of the composition:

    • basil calms, uplifts;
    • sandalwood, ylang-ylang or patchouli helps awaken sexual energy;
    • rose oil is suitable for stress relief;
    • geranium oil is often used for female massage, as it relieves spasms, clamps, tension and has a rejuvenating effect;
    • nutmeg is a natural aphrodisiac, and also reduces pain;
    • jasmine, neroli, juniper, bergamot or mint contribute to complete relaxation;
    • citrus notes increase tone, improve well-being.

    To properly mix the oils, you need to know the adequate proportions. You need to take only 2-3 tablespoons of base oil, 2-3 drops of essential oil. Ethers burn strongly, so it is not recommended to overdo it with them. Do not add several essential fragrances at once.Too rich a smell will interfere with relaxation, and not contribute to it.

    Tantric massage technique

    There are many variants of tantra. We will give as an example the standard scheme by which professional masseuses of EGOIST salons operate.

    Step №1

    The key to a successful massage is the mood. Therefore, our girls are always friendly and sincerely glad to the guest.

    To fully immerse yourself in pleasure, we recommend turning off mobile phones and other gadgets.

    Step №2

    The atmosphere and the room should be conducive to relaxation and enjoyment. The air temperature should be comfortable, but low. Scented candles are ideal for creating a sensual atmosphere. Soft music sets you in a positive mood. The light should be subdued, and the location itself should be comfortable.

    Step №3

    When the guest is relaxed and set to achieve pleasure, you can proceed to the massage itself. The session starts from a sitting position. The masseuse gently applies oil to the back and arms of the guest. You can draw figure eights with your palms, slightly pressing on the ribs. And the lower back is worked out with neat, slow movements.

    Step №4

    The next position is lying on your stomach. The girl gently massages the buttocks, rising along the spine to the neck of the guest. You can press your fingers on the gluteal points, and then carry out circular rubbing.

    Tantra massage for men is focused on the needs of the partner at the moment. Therefore, the masseuse responds to every reaction of the partner and the needs of his body at the moment. Particular attention is paid to the legs and areas that usually remain deprived of affection. This is the inner side of the legs, the pads of the fingers, the foot itself.

    Step №5

    The masseuse turns the guest on his back to stretch the front of the body. Gradually, the girl moves on to pinching, strong pressure. You can use your palms, fingers, alternate the degree of pressure. Since the main task of tantra is to stretch pleasure, to learn to control the flow of sexual energy, the masseuse alternates gentle strokes with power moves. The sequence of exposure should be slow, you can not rush, otherwise the effect will be completely different.

    Step №6

    When the whole body "vibrates" under the masseuse's hands, is quite relaxed and sensually tuned, you can begin to stimulate the genital area. Usually, exposure starts from the perineal region - between the anus and the vagina or testicles. This area is massaged gently, gently, with only fingertips.

    If desired, the session can be continued with a lingam massage. However, it is performed in such a way as to stretch the pleasure as much as possible over time.

    Tantric massage for women

    If a girl comes to the session, the practice begins with massaging the sacrum, lower back, buttocks. These zones contribute to both relaxation and increased arousal. It is important to help the guest to remove psychological clamps, to release female energy. And as a climax, if desired, an internal massage can be performed so that the guest can achieve maximum pleasure along with relaxation.

    A small pillow is placed under the back. The masseuse begins the impact with general relaxing strokes. The inner part of the thighs, legs, as well as the feet, stomach are massaged. You can’t rush, the process needs to be stretched as much as possible so that the intensity of desire reaches its peak. In conclusion, you need to rub the feet, legs. At the same time, it is important to iron each finger, because a large number of nerve endings and pleasure are hidden in this area.

    Tantric massage for men

    One of the ways to increase male power is tantric practices. If desired, they can be combined with direct and indirect prostate massage. When a man is aroused, a rather noticeable tubercle appears between the anus and testicles. This is the prostate. To influence it, gentle movements with fingers or a massager are enough.

    If the guest is open to new sensations and maximum pleasure, you can have a direct prostate massage. To do this, it is necessary that the muscles of the pelvis and anus are as relaxed as possible. Usually, to achieve this effect, the guest is invited to lie on his side and pull his knees up to his stomach, or do it on all fours, leaning on the bed with his knees and elbows.

    Foreplay should be long and varied. To enhance the sensations, you can blindfold a man's eyes. To begin with, the back and collarbones are warmed up, gradually descending to the lower back and sacrum. Be sure to pay attention to the feet. Then the man rolls over on his back so that the masseuse can stretch the area of \u200b\u200bthe chest and abdomen. Touching is done not only with the hands, but with the whole body. Girl stimulates erogenous zones with the help of the chest, buttocks or your abdomen. Stroking is replaced by patting, tingling.

    Prostate massage is done with gloves and plenty of lubricant. The masseuse gently inserts her finger into the anus to a depth of 5 cm, where the prostate is located. The gland should be massaged gently. This practice brings not only fantastic emotions, but also is the prevention of various diseases.

    The Benefits of Tantra

    You get new, vivid emotions, you can expand the horizons of sensations, and also better understand your own body. Along with this practice:

    • teaches to stretch pleasure, which makes reaching the peak of pleasure especially vivid, memorable;
    • restores and increases libido;
    • helps to get rid of problems with accelerated ejaculation;
    • uplifts mood and improves well-being;
    • allows you to better cope with stress, nervous disorders, depression;
    • makes deep relaxation possible;
    • allows you to re-evaluate your own body, understand its desires, get rid of complexes.

    If we analyze the benefits of practicing at the physical level, it lies in the fact that massage improves blood circulation, allows you to maintain the condition of the pelvic muscles at a high level, removes clamps and improves the functioning of the genitals. However, the main reason for the popularity of tantra is the opportunity to experience the pleasure of incredible power.

    EGOIST salons in St. Petersburg invite you to extend the pleasure for several hours

    All our masseuses are fluent in a variety of techniques and guests can choose from 45 programs.

    All salons of the network work around the clock and seven days a week. You will be met by friendly administrators who will introduce you in more detail with all the services and additions.

    For regular customers, we provide opportunities to extend the session and receive services for free with our loyalty programs, bonus cards.

    Come to EGOIST salons to learn something new about yourself and your pleasures!

    Popular programs

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    Double Relax
    Erotic Session Four Hands
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    Erotic Session Four Hands
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