Scientists have calculated that men think about sex not every 7 seconds, as previously thought, but about 19 times a day. And it can be completely different fantasies. The downside is that in many couples and families these fantasies are not discussed. And this always negatively affects intimate life in the future.

Why men are silent
Most girls don't even know what their boyfriends and husbands dream about. Why is this happening? Usually the reason is that men's sexual fantasies involve strangers. And the man is logically afraid that the girl will not be happy when she finds out about erotic dreams in which a neighbor or her friend takes an active part. It is even scarier for a man to admit that he is thinking about a hot night with another man. Sometimes dreams are associated with practices that the partner will never agree to. And respectful relations between spouses make it difficult to behave "dirty" in bed.
Top male sexual fantasies
What does a man want? Sexologists conducted numerous surveys and compiled a pool of erotic male fantasies. The most popular ones concern several subjects.
- Threesome
The most popular plot that about 64% of men dream about. Usually in the "trio" There are two girls and a guy involved. Moreover, girls can be both well-known, like a lover and her friend, and unfamiliar in general. Sometimes the fantasy involves two guys and one girl.
The desire for group intimacy is easily explained by instincts. A female may mate with several males to produce the healthiest offspring. And the male seeks to increase the number of his offspring. And if in nature this plot is banal, in personal life it can lead to disaster. Not all couples are ready for the fact that a third will appear in their intimate life. Therefore, sexologists recommend replacing real sex with its imitation: eromassage "four hands". If both partners take part in it, the sex life will sparkle with new colors.
- Spontaneous sex
Guys fantasize about unexpected intimacy with a stranger. And it doesn't matter if there is a partner or not. Thoughts come suddenly when meeting a sexual person right on the street. Psychologists are sure that this is a completely normal phenomenon for both sexes.
- Peeping
A common fantasy. More than 70% of respondents confirmed that they would be happy to see something spicy. Voyeurism is especially attractive when the target is unaware of the surveillance. Men love to watch others have sex. It is important to remain unnoticed while doing this. Therefore, in eromassage salons, the peep show service is so popular, when a girl who cannot be touched is dancing behind a mirror or in a room. In special clubs, the girl does not even see who is behind the glass and what she is doing at a particular moment. But the guest gets a lot of pleasure and new thrills.
Every third man likes hard sex. Moreover, in this fantasy, he is not a dominant individual, but a subordinate one. Mistress in a leather robe with a whip and high heels excites incredibly. This story is especially interesting for people in power: heads of large firms, politicians, strict bosses.
- Unusual appearance
A man has his own ideas about non-standard appearance. It can be a mulatto, full or elderly woman. Lots of options. Usually guys are sure that partners with an extraordinary appearance have hidden talents.
- Unavailable
Forbidden fruit is sweet. Therefore, men fanatically dream of unattainable women. For example, about actresses, singers, girlfriends of your friends or bosses. It can be anyone, but not a partner. Excitation grows with increasing distance and inaccessibility of the person. Sometimes this is a fictional person, a combination of several acquaintances. And such sexual fantasies are widespread.
- Forced sex
Another popular idea, which is distinguished by a high degree of rigidity. And here you can give free rein to the imagination. It all depends on the guy's skill level. However, confessing to such fantasies is usually uncomfortable, so about 1 in 6 people come out. The plot can develop according to the scenario when a man takes possession of a girl against her will. And also a guy can act as a coerced to intimacy.

What men are silent about
Man tends to suppress his desires. Especially those related to sex life. Husband and wife can live together until old age, but never find out about each other's hidden fantasies. But it is in the bedroom that you can and should get to know each other, gain valuable experience and pleasure. That's why it's so important to voice your preferences.
All people are unique, and their dreams are different. However, popular erotic fantasies often overlap. For example, sex with a mysterious stranger, perhaps with elements of coercion or violence. However, the thought of such a role-playing game can bring a man to an extreme degree of excitement. Therefore, we recommend not to lock fantasies in a distant drawer, but to realize them.
The network of eromassage salons «EGOIST» helps its guests to make some of their dreams come true. For example, massage "four hands" a great substitute for group intimacy, and a peep show will help you get pleasure from the fact that you can’t touch a girl. Our masseuses — professionals in the field of body massage. They can, by agreement, adhere to a certain scenario for the development of events. Provided that there will be no intimacy. Come visit us 24/7 to experience the sweetness of fantasy!