Let's start with the fact that erotic massage is a popular procedure that attracts a large number of men, women and couples today. In conditions of constant stress and difficulties, a person faces incredible fatigue and suppressed libido. Therefore, it is so important in your free time not just to lie on the couch, but to work out each clip competently and influence the sensory sphere. Only in this case it will be possible to have a good rest and restore sexual desire. And nothing can cope with this task better than an eromassage. We reveal the truth about how the salon works and why masseuses can be trusted.

What is required from an erotic masseuse
Not every girl can work in such a field. It is necessary to interact in most cases with men, but sometimes with women or partners. The main goal of the guest is to relax. To do this, the girl should be as relaxed and sociable as possible, as well as arouse interest with her bright and attractive appearance.
Education doesn't really matter. Therefore, you should not worry about the presence of a masseuse's crust. The salon itself organizes the training of its employees. However, do not confuse erotic massage salons with brothels — girls do not provide any intimacy. But you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to defile in revealing outfits, effectively take them off and bask in the SPA together with the guest — to deliver visual pleasure.

Features of the selection of masseuses
We choose girls according to several criteria:
- Appearance
A future erotic masseuse should have attractive external data in order to easily cause arousal. At the same time, it should be well-groomed, neat, have a good athletic shape. To perform body massage, you need to have a strong, toned body, as well as endurance. A male massage session can last from 1 to 3 hours, and in some cases even longer.
Appearance is a subjective criterion. When recruiting masseuses, we do not follow the requirements of modeling agencies. It is much more important to provide the guests of the erotic salon with variety. Therefore, the difference in height, weight, age can be quite large. - Experience and skills
Masseuses who already have experience of such work are welcome. After all, there are many techniques in eromassage. It will not be possible to master them in a short time.
However, this does not mean that girls without experience are not accepted to work in the salon. We are open to any suggestions. And our own massage training course will allow you to learn the basics in a short time, master the types of classical and erotic massage, as well as master additional massage techniques.
The course consists of theory, as well as 3-4 practical classes, where the acquired knowledge is worked out. When the training is completed, the students take the exam. So we can make sure that all the girls will cope with the work ahead. - To be able to feel the body — to find erogenous zones, to influence them, taking into account the sensitivity and temperament of the guest;
- Control the situation —stay balanced, calm and responsive;
- Keep a balance, follow the rules — first, the guest must be warmed up, calmed down, and then proceed to active caresses.

Which masseuses work in EGOIST sex salons
A good masseuse can be compared to a conductor who controls the guest's body. But for this she needs to follow the rules:
Our girls work 24/7 in various points of St. Petersburg. Come get acquainted and bring a soulmate or friends.