Any relationship needs an emotional update from time to time. Getting used to a partner, we lose a certain piquancy that was characteristic of the first weeks and months of living together. For couples who have children and a long history of relationships, this advice will not be superfluous. The ideal way to renew a relationship is to order a massage for two as a gift, so that both you and your other half will have exquisite pleasure from the skillful caresses of masseuses, and then enjoy each other with new passion.
Who is a massage for two suitable for?
A massage as a gift to a man, as well as a massage as a gift to a woman, is also perfect for those couples in which each partner loves “peppercorns” and does not mind teasing the other. Many couples, even without relationship problems, often order a joint massage service, and remain passionate about each other for many years. However, a massage for two as a gift is a service that requires a certain delicacy, a sense of tact, developed intuition and a good understanding of human psychology. Masseuses should be sensitive to the reactions of clients so that a massage as a gift to a St. Petersburg man does not turn into an event that you want to quickly forget about.
Women in a pair are traditionally more jealous, in order for a massage as a gift to a woman from St. Petersburg to really become an unforgettable and pleasant experience, the masseuse must try hard. Usually, a massage for two is carried out in the same room, therefore, a woman should focus on her feelings, and not on the fact that her partner is currently receiving the same pleasure from the touch of another woman. Agree: not every specialist can cope with such a task!
An erotic massage as a gift to a woman at the same time as a partner is a risky decision. But believe me, once in the hands of a professional, your lady of the heart will completely forget about everything that is happening around. After all, who knows better how to please a woman, except for another woman? A pair massage as a gift to a St. Petersburg woman will delight both you and her, so there are no contraindications for any couples: believe me, it's worth it!
How is a massage for two?

If you are considering the possibility of ordering a massage as a gift for a St. Petersburg man, it will be useful to know what is included in this service and how it is provided.
Usually, a massage as a gift to a man takes place in a specialized salon as follows:
- You can choose masseuses yourself or leave the choice to your partner.
- Each session begins with a bathing procedure, which can also be performed in the company of selected masseuses.
- Then the massage session begins, which lasts only about 15-20 minutes, during which each of the partners reaches the peak of arousal. The gentle caresses of the skilled hands of masseuses will easily drive you into a real frenzy, and the “French kiss” technique will be remembered for a long time by both men and women.
- At the end of the session, the couple will be left alone with each other, and you can enjoy the renewed passion in the chic interiors of the massage parlor.
A massage like this would be a great experience and the perfect gift for a major anniversary.
How to order a massage for two as a gift?

Not all massage parlors provide this service. As we have already said, you need not only to be distinguished by good looks, but also to have developed intuition and knowledge of human psychology in order to correctly adjust your actions based on the reactions of a woman or a man during the procedure.
Professional erotic salons "Egoist" provide an opportunity for each couple to breathe new life into the relationship and enjoy the newly flared up passion. Choose the nearest salon and come at any time convenient for you: we work around the clock and seven days a week.
If you have certain requirements for the appearance of masseuses, we recommend that you study the questionnaires and make sure that at the time you choose, the girls you are interested in will be at the right address.
If you still have questions, just call us or write to the chat: we are always online, and we are happy to answer you!