
How to choose oil for erotic massage

    All the most interesting things in the erotic massage industry. Materials from the network of erotic massage salons for men Egoist.

    It is difficult to imagine an erotic massage without oil. After all, then the hands of the masseuse will no longer easily slide over the skin and give pleasant sensations. And as a result, we will not get euphoria, but calluses and worn areas of the skin. Therefore, the right oil is the key to a successful massage session.

    The oil not only provides easy glide, but also effectively hides all skin defects on the hands. It allows the body to warm up and relax faster, and also has a caring effect. Professional masseuses prefer natural compositions: they smell pleasant and unobtrusive, do not cause allergies, and are useful for any skin.

    Types of oils for intimate massage

    Massage lubricants usually consist of two types of oils - base oils and essential oils.


    These are neutral oils that become the basis for the massage mixture. They provide good gliding, moisturize, soften and nourish the skin. Usually one of the following types of oils is used as a base:

    • Almond. It has a slight yellowish tint, provides good glide. It absorbs easily, but rather slowly. Therefore, you do not have to spend a large amount of lubricant during the session. It has become widespread, because it can be found in any pharmacy, and the cost is low.
    • Coconut. May have a slight coconut odor or no odor at all. Almost does not get dirty, perfectly moisturizes. Promotes the speedy healing of microcracks on the skin. If the substance is completely natural, it is solid and needs to be melted.
    • Apricot kernels. According to the characteristics, it approaches almond, but it costs an order of magnitude more expensive. The skin absorbs it well, and the high concentration of vitamin E provides gentle care.
    • Jojoba. This is not quite an oil, but rather a wax, which is obtained from the seeds of the plant of the same name. It stands out with effective disinfecting properties, therefore it is suitable for people with problem skin. The skin responds well to the substance.
    • Avocado. Suitable for many hours of massage. To reduce the density, experts recommend adding some almond oil. Not suitable for people allergic to latex.
    • Grape bones. In the massage industry did not take root. However, if you have nothing else at hand, feel free to use it. Makes skin hydrated and soft.
    • Olive. The same oil that is equally well suited for cooking, and for cosmetics, and for massage. However, if you take a natural product for cooking, greasy marks may remain on the skin. In addition, the smell can not be called too pleasant.
    • Cocoa. Incredibly oily product that will have to be diluted with other oils to get the right density. It is solid at room temperature and needs to be melted before use. It has high moisturizing and nourishing properties.
    • Shi. Combines well with other oils. Has a thick consistency.
    • Sesame. A dense substance that leaves greasy marks on the skin has an unpleasant odor, so it is recommended to mix with other massage products.


    The same oils that are responsible for the delicious smell, and can also affect the respiratory organs and libido. Some of them are powerful aphrodisiacs. However, they need to be added in a limited amount: only 3-5 drops per 10 ml of base. Otherwise, you can get a composition that will leave chemical burns and irritation on the skin.

    Men prefer the following scents:

    • ylang-ylang;
    • chairs;
    • cedar;
    • jasmine;
    • ginger;
    • juniper;
    • marjoram.

    Best options for women:

    • jasmine;
    • ylang-ylang;
    • rose;
    • patchouli;
    • neroli.

    Prepare oil for massage: recipes

    If you want to make an oil mixture that will have a good effect on the emotional and physical state of your partner, you will need a base and a few drops of essential oil. Another advantage of a do-it-yourself mixture is the natural composition and complete safety. After all, you do not use fragrances and preservatives (unlike large manufacturers). The downside is that such oil for intimate massage is stored for a short time and always in the refrigerator. Therefore, you can not take it with you on the road.

    The recipe is simple:

    • take 100 ml of base oil, for example, sunflower, coconut or olive, you can also use linseed, argan, almond;
    • add ylang-ylang, citrus, cinnamon, and cloves - a few drops each;
    • rinse thoroughly, dry the container in which the massage composition will be stored;
    • pour the base there first, and then add the essential components, mix.

    For relaxation, the following option is suitable:

    • take two teaspoons of dried lavender flowers, lemon balm, one teaspoon of chamomile flowers;
    • pour half a glass with a mixture of olive and almond oil;
    • do not touch for two weeks;
    • strain, pour the finished massage composition into a dark container, store in the refrigerator.

    To make your partner perk up, use the following recipe:

    • take two teaspoons of verbena, rosemary, as well as five juniper berries and 150 grams of almond oil;
    • berries need to be crushed together with dried flowers, pour almond oil;
    • insist two weeks;
    • filter the flowers, and pour the composition into a bottle.

    Before you start preparing the massage composition, determine how much specifically you need the substance. The approximate consumption of oil for an adult weighing 50-60 kg is eight teaspoons or 40 ml. This is how much you will spend for a full session. Make sure that there is not too much substance, otherwise the effect of massage movements will be worse. After all, the body will slip out of your hands. Separately, you need to take into account the type of skin: for dry, more substance is required, for oily, much less.

    How to use essential oils?

    Essential oils can be dangerous if used incorrectly. Therefore, be sure to read the following rules:

    1. Start with the lowest dosages. Best with 2-3 drops. And this is especially true if you are using the substance for the first time and do not know how the human body will react. Perhaps the aroma will cause discomfort or the element will provoke an allergic reaction.
    2. Be careful and follow the rules of use. For example, citrus oils as well as bergamot make the skin more receptive to UV rays. This means that after the massage, it is imperative to take a shower, and only after that you can go out into the sun.
    3. Do not use essential oils when massaging intimate areas. Or you can get irritation, and in the worst case, a chemical burn. The substance burns the mucous membrane.
    4. Pour the composition into the aroma lamp. This will create a pleasant atmosphere in the room.
    5. Add erotic massage oil to your bath. Soaking up with a partner in the shower will become much more pleasant when a pleasant relaxing aroma emanates from the water. This will allow you to tune in the right way.

    Now you know what massage oil consists of, how to make it yourself and how to use it correctly. A couple of drops of such a substance will make even the simplest massage incredibly pleasant.

    How to choose the right oil?

    The list of oils that you can use in your erotic practices is huge. In order not to get confused in this variety, you need to pay attention to a number of criteria:

    1. Density. A good massage oil has a low density, but is not immediately absorbed into the skin. If the density is too high, an unpleasant oily film forms on the body. The sebaceous glands can become clogged and inflamed. Comedones and unnecessary problems will appear.
    2. Uniformity. A good quality tool lays down in an even layer. If the composition contains lumps, sediment, as well as a bitter smell, it is likely that it is expired.
    3. Unobtrusive smell. The product should not smell too bright - this can cause discomfort or even a headache. Well, if the composition does not contain chemical flavors.
    4. Without additives. The ideal option is just a natural product. Vitamin E supplementation is allowed. Nothing else is required for the massage.
    5. Spin. Must be first or cold. This is how the highest quality materials are obtained.
    6. Cost. The higher the quality of the oil, the more expensive it is. And vice versa.

    Benefits of massage oil

    Massage oil is the secret of a masseuse's silky hands, as well as the key to a perfect glide. If you choose it correctly, then not only pleasant sensations or goosebumps are guaranteed, but also a fantastic finale. The touch of the hands or the body, covered with a thin film of massage oil, gives a completely unreal feeling. Even simple strokes work incredibly.

    In addition, eromassage oil has a number of valuable properties:

    • moisturizes, softens and nourishes the skin, which after the session looks just fine;
    • helps to avoid stretching during physical impact on the body;
    • reduces soreness during massage techniques - useful for owners of especially sensitive skin;
    • eliminates irritation, and also promotes the rapid healing of microtraumas;
    • makes the skin velvety, soft to the touch;
    • accelerates metabolism, improves cellular metabolism;
    • improves the condition of the skin;
    • excites nerve endings.

    Exciting oils in the network of erotic massage salons EGOIST

    The key to a bright and memorable erotic massage is the right oil. It provides a perfect glide, makes the girl's hands surprisingly soft, and also sets you up for relaxation or excitement. A pleasant smell does not interfere with the guest, but stimulates the work of his imagination and libido. Therefore, our girls pay special attention to the choice of oil.

    The EGOIST salon network invites men, women and couples to experience completely new emotions and get to know their sensual side better. To do this, we have developed 45 full-fledged programs using ancient techniques and exotic techniques. The site features more than 100 girls, from which you can choose the one that will become an ideal companion in the world of unusual sensations and enchanting ecstasies.

    The salons are open 24/7, so come by anytime. Administrators will answer all questions and ensure complete confidentiality. Come and get rid of stress, awaken your libido and get a boost of energy!

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