You will be surprised, but the art of Chinese massage has been around for over 5000 years. That is why China is considered the ancestral home of sensual practices and the first erotica. The fashion for them arose as part of the spiritual flow of Tao and was called Do Ying. Over the past time, the technique of performance has been significantly influenced by Thai and Japanese traditions. However, the result remains the same: a lot of pleasure and an enchanting climax.

What is it
Philosophy of the East paid much attention to bodily practices. And the school of traditional Chinese massage is based on the following concepts:
- the physical, emotional state of a person is strongly influenced by the environment: colors, smells, lighting, as well as the flows of world energy;
- on the body of each person there are special points through which Qi energy can be controlled;
- special exercises help to increase sensuality, sexual desire, and also make it possible to prolong climax and pleasure.
The main feature that distinguishes the Chinese technique is the abundance of tenderness, the absence of strict rules and the emphasis on stimulating the pelvic organs. If you follow the Tao, you need to constantly develop and change. And this implies a variety of movements, scenarios during the massage.
Chinese erotic massage— pleasure in the flow of energy
China has become famous for various inventions. Paper was found here, and erotic massage was also invented. And its attractiveness still does not weaken for several reasons:
- The streams of vital, sexual energy should not overlap, otherwise a person goes into an oppressed, tired state. The task of practice — restore and establish the correct flow of energy.
- Feminine and masculine principles are connected by fusion. However, not all positions during sex are conducive to the release of healing Chi energy. Only by point acting on certain zones, you can achieve an effective result: relaxation, excitement, recovery, enchanting finale.
- The fusion of feminine and masculine energy leaves a special imprint on this type of massage. Most of the time is spent on the delicate study of erogenous zones. The peculiarity is that the male genital organ is stimulated along the entire length, and not in the other direction.
- The process starts from afar — from stop. After all, it is here that the points that require activation are located.
- Chinese technology is full of surprises and unusual techniques. For example, a masseuse, in order to achieve greater arousal, can gently pinch her big toe during a foot massage. And after that, it begins to move up the hips, paying special attention to the knees.
- The practice is famous for the variety of postures that the receiving party can assume. Changing positions has no less effect than exciting caresses, liberating and adding courage.
- The postulate of "three touches" says that each part of the body must be touched three times with decreasing pressure: the first and strongest gives relaxation, the second and weaker brings pleasure, the third and most gentle excites.
Lingam massage is of particular interest. The head of the penis is passed between the fingers, and the shaft gently touches the masseuse's thigh to improve blood flow and make the arousal grow. At the same time, no intimacy is expected in the process.

Types of eromassage from China
The rich knowledge about the structure of the male body and ways to bring pleasure allowed the Chinese to create effective massage techniques. Outwardly, such a massage looks the same as the rest: a beautiful naked girl seductively leans over a naked man to press somewhere a little audibly, and somewhere harder. And suddenly it causes an incredible explosion of emotions.
The following massage practices are best known:
- Karsai Nei Tsang
Erotic massage that focuses on the male or female genital area, as well as the lower abdomen. The masseuse does not directly stimulate the penis. But as a result of numerous strokes, grips, pulls, unearthly bliss sets in. Massage is also aimed at solving problems associated with the genitals, impotence, frequent and difficult urination, pain during intercourse, lack of sexual desire. It effectively reduces pain in the lumbar region, helps to rebuild the work of the whole body, strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.
- Tuina
An ancient massage technique based on the impact on the most important acupuncture points. It helps to relax the guest, restore strength and function. Accelerates Qi energy throughout the body due to wave-like, point movements, including erogenous zones of the chest, buttocks, legs.
The basic principles of massage are as follows:
- weak to strong — allows you to assess the sensitivity of the patient: to begin with, the masseuse uses light pressure with the transition to a stronger effect until it reaches the limit for a particular person, and then the pressure decreases again to a light touch state;
- slow to fast — movements are made in a certain rhythm at different stages, which significantly increases arousal;
- from superficial to deep — after the massage, you will feel a real renewal, as the masseuse kneads the muscles and tissues deeply.
Tuina is recommended for a variety of problems: from diseases of the musculoskeletal system to the cardiovascular system and sexual life.
- Acupuncture
The famous traditional Chinese medicine technique that is done with the fingertips. There are hundreds of biologically active points on the human body, the impact on which improves well-being, potency and libido. With such a massage, the area of influence is extremely small and corresponds to the size of the biological point. Thanks to the technique, tissues are saturated with oxygen, metabolism improves, and blood flow increases.
- Foot massage
A well-known practice, which is based on the stimulation of nerve endings located on the foot. The point is to provide the guest with a gentle and sensual massage, rather than being ticklish. With gentle hands, the girl works wonders with her feet: she strokes, pinches, kneads each finger. It seems that the feet are far from the genitals, but the effect is phenomenal.
Chinese sexy massage for whom
Chinese techniques have repeatedly proven their effectiveness and incredible sensuality. Together with a bright climax, every adult can get in the process:
- improvement of blood flow, lymph flow, saturation of all cells of the body with oxygen, useful microelements;
- getting rid of pain in the muscles, joints, head and automatically increasing efficiency;
- activation of biologically active points on the body;
- complete relaxation, which allows you to get rid of accumulated stress, fatigue, clamps, toxins;
- overcoming stress, nervous tension, depression and improving mood;
- slowing down the aging process, as well as preventing various diseases.
A masseuse corrects a person's energy field by touching certain important points on his body. If you stimulate them correctly, along with the benefits, the guest will receive an abyss of pleasure.

Secrets and techniques of Chinese massage
Professional Chinese erotic massage begins with a shower. At the request of the guest, the masseuse can take a shower with him. All this time, a leisurely conversation is being conducted so that a person gets rid of embarrassment, feels more confident and tunes in to have fun.
Then the guest lies down more comfortably, and the girl begins to apply scented oil on his body and starts the massage. The process looks like this:
- The girl kneads the guest's body with a scraper, which she presses hard to increase blood circulation and achieve arousal faster. The scraper captures rather large areas, on which there are many biologically important points, reflexogenic zones. Absolutely all parts of the body are warmed up, including arms, legs, stomach, torso.
- When the body is warmed up, the blood begins to circulate more actively, all the clamps and pain are removed, the movements become slow and smooth. The pressure becomes lighter. A naked girl can cling to a guest, frankly touch him so that he experiences incredible excitement.
- At the end of the program, a passionate girl will gently but with strong pressure drive the scraper over the male body, pressing hard on key points so that the guest can relax as much as possible.
The scenario of Asian erotic massage may change. The guest may ask for a deeper impact, bordering on painful sensations, or limited to light touches. Girls willingly realize any requests of guests with the exception of intimacy. However, the absence of the latter does not prevent men and women from experiencing an extremely bright climax more than once.
In order for a sensual massage to be successful, it is necessary to create a cozy, quiet and safe environment. So that both participants can concentrate only on sexual sensations. The massage girl listens to every breath of her guest, because in this way she can understand what he likes and what — no.

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