A man needs about 8 minutes to achieve orgasm, and sometimes 2-3 is enough. Such is physiology. However, for a harmonious sexual life, such stamina is not enough, because a woman usually needs twice or three times more than what is measured by nature. In order for both partners to get the pleasure they were counting on, the erection can be extended. Let's figure out why it can be difficult to do and what methods are most effective.

Reason for the problem
An erection — this is an increase in the penis due to the rapid rush of blood to the genitals. This process is not so easy to control, although it can be learned. If, despite efforts, the erection quickly disappears, doctors talk about a malfunction in the male reproductive system. The phenomenon is characterized by a decrease in the volume, density of the penis, due to which sexual intercourse becomes inferior or impossible.
Usually, the problem is indicated by:
- speedy sex;
- flaccid penis;
- lack of arousal;
- premature ejaculation.
All the causes that cause a problem are usually divided into two groups: physiological and psychological.
If the work of one organ or the whole system is disrupted, erectile function may fail:
- The thyroid gland. The sex hormone testosterone is responsible for arousal. If it is not enough, the erection weakens. The reason lies in the disruption of the endocrine glands due to diabetes mellitus, obesity (the amount of the female hormone estrogen increases), age over 50 years.
- The cardiovascular system. Member rises but is not held in position. Most often, the problem is a decrease in blood flow to the penis due to damage to the arteries, capillaries in atherosclerosis, endarteritis, and injuries. Sometimes the cause is a rapid venous discharge due to a violation of the outflow of blood from the cavernous bodies of the penis.
- Urinary system. Inflammatory diseases can cause failure in bed: urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, as well as tumors and cysts. All this reduces blood flow to the genitals. This also includes all sexually transmitted diseases.
- Central and peripheral nervous system. These are diseases of the brain and spinal cord, due to which the work of the department responsible for excitation is disrupted. Usually this happens due to injuries, tumors, stroke, heart attack, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and other neurogenic pathologies. Osteochondrosis also does a disservice to its owner.
Psychological problems do not affect spontaneous erections in the morning and at night, but they negatively affect conscious sexual life. Age doesn't matter. The cause of the disorder can be failures associated with the first sexual experience, pain during contact, the behavior of the partner after sex. It can even reach a panic fear of intimacy.
The most common causes of frustration are:
- stress and emotional strain;
- chronic fatigue, lack of quality rest and sleep, irregular working hours;
- depressive states.
It could also be:
- Long-term medication. Especially for drugs that block the production of testosterone, reduce blood flow to the genitals. The doctor is obliged to warn about such consequences before starting treatment.
- Improper nutrition. If the diet is dominated by fatty, fried, smoked, salty, water-electrolyte metabolism is disturbed. Vessels are clogged with cholesterol plaques, blood flow slows down, erection weakens. The work of the endocrine, urinary systems is disrupted.
- Bad habits. If you often drink, constantly smoke, take narcotic or psychotropic substances, the work of the cardiovascular system is getting worse. Blood flow to the penis decreases, brain cells atrophy, general sensitivity decreases.
- Sedentary lifestyle. Prolonged sitting at the table, riding in a car, elevator — all this leads to a deterioration in the flow of lymph and blood. At the same time, local immunity decreases, infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system begin.
- Bad ecology. Another negative factor that affects a person. As toxic substances accumulate, problems of the endocrine, nervous, and cardiovascular systems may arise.

Ways to prolong erection at home
You have already understood that in a serious situation you cannot do without a visit to the doctor. If everything is in order with your health, you can try several effective methods to prolong the pleasure.
- Long prelude
Sexologists recommend that girls take the initiative into their own hands. After all, foreplay is required for both partners. To bring excitement to the maximum peak, you can caress all parts of the body, except for the most cherished — penis, scrotum, area between penis and anus. Passion will boil in the body, but have no way out. With such regular training, you can gradually increase the erection time until the situation improves and the partner learns to control arousal.
- Regular sex life
Another reason for a short erection — rapid ejaculation. This often happens if a man's sex life is rare and irregular. The body actively reacts to any touch, and ejaculation occurs instantly. To do this, you need to maximize the number of ejaculations. The more often they happen, the longer a man can hold on.
- Other tools and methods
Sexologists give advice on how to stretch the pleasure, avoiding untested folk remedies:
- Breathe properly. As soon as the guy feels the approach of the inevitable end, you need to take a deep breath. You can also change several positions, this helps to prolong the pleasure.
- Masturbate before intercourse. This is a good way if a man has no physiological problems.
- Pause before the peak moment. The erection will begin to weaken, and then you can continue the love games. In this way, the moment of ejaculation is obtained for a solid period.
- Take some alcohol. The dose should be small so that a man can easily control himself and not fall asleep at a crucial moment. A small percentage of alcohol will help you calm down in time.
- Use condoms. They not only help to avoid unwanted pregnancy, but also reduce the sensitivity of the penis, which prolongs the time of sexual intercourse.
- Click on the head of the penis. Main — choose the right place: where the head connects to the bridle.

How to prolong an erection with eromassage
Another way to deal with rapid ejaculation and extend the time of pleasure — eromassage procedure. Professional masseuses know how to both delay the moment of truth and bring it closer. With the help of ancient techniques, you can practice resisting temptation, as well as get an incredible experience of pleasure. Some techniques, such as lingam massage, are also aimed at improving the quality of erection. They make blood flow more active, increase testosterone production and provide many pleasant bonuses.
The network of men's salons «EGOIST» invites all men who are faced with the problem of insufficiently stable erection. Our administrators will help you choose a program, and naked girls will perform a massage with such inspiration that you will not recognize yourself. Salons are open 24/7, and loyalty programs allow you to get bonus minutes of pleasure.