You can immerse yourself in a sea of pleasure at affordable prices at any erotic massage salon of our network in St. Petersburg city center! Our professional masseuse girls have developed for you some exclusive programs that combine most popular types and techniques of intimate massage together with special erotic shows.
Every resident of St. Petersburg or a tourist, as well as couples, who want to diversify their sex life and discover new pleasures, can register for a session of relaxing massage – pleasant in all senses. Each procedure lasts from 30 to 60 minutes and can be extended at your request or supplemented by other services listed on this website.
You can choose a massage salon that is most attractive for you in its surroundings or located in the optimal transport or walking distance: the city center is convenient for almost everyone who wants to discover new pleasures and caresses. You are guaranteed a healthy relaxation for your soul and body in the company of seductive and professional masseuses at any Egoist salon.
Please choose a program prepared by our attentive and sensitive experts. The center of St. Petersburg is not only Palace Square and Nevsky Prospect: unique sessions of massage and pleasant atmosphere are also here for you!
- Erotic session is a 60 minutes procedure for your complete physical relaxation and sensual pleasure. At your request this unforgettable procedure can be performed in 4 hands. This is an excellent option for couples who want to experience some new sensations together and to achieve deep intimate mutual understanding.
- Erotic show featuring seductive movements in combination with appropriate music can do real miracles. Try it at least once, and you will be fascinated by our girls forever!
- Sakura is one of the most popular methods of erotic massage where masseuses use their gentle lips and breathing instead of hands. All the geisha secrets are now available in St. Petersburg: please do not miss this opportunity to experience an exquisite pleasure in the cultural capital of Russia! <

Would you like to arrange a Surprise for your body or experience Nirvana? These and many other exclusive erotic programs are waiting for you at Egoist and other salons of our network!