
Erotic foot massage - spicy pleasure

    All the most interesting things in the erotic massage industry. Materials from the network of erotic massage salons for men Egoist.

    How often do you pay attention to your partner's feet during intimacy or eromassage? But this part of the body can be called an absolute zone of pleasure. There are more than 70 thousand nerve endings here. If you start to stimulate them correctly, you can achieve complete relaxation and bring your partner to a high degree of arousal. No wonder this type of massage was popular in Eastern countries!

    Preparing for a massage

    To pamper your partner with an erotic foot massage, you need to prepare a little:

    • Pick up massage oil. It should provide high-quality glide, not be absorbed immediately, but also not leave oily, sticky spots on the skin. You can add a few drops of essential oils to the base oil: sandalwood, rosemary, jasmine, fennel (all these aromas act as aphrodisiacs). If you need to calm your partner, lemon balm or lavender is better.
    • Perform foot washing. This will require a bath with warm water and a good mood. Such an exciting move will allow you to quickly tune in to the desired mood.
    • Prepare towels. They are placed under the feet to make it more convenient to activate erogenous points. And also after the massage, they can wipe their feet from the remnants of oil.
    • Take a few accessories. You may need a feather, a silk handkerchief, a brush with natural bristles.

    In the room itself, it will be useful to create an intimate atmosphere. To do this, you need to draw the curtains, turn off the harsh light, replace it with candles or nightlights. Slow, romantic music will come in handy.

    How to perform to bring to sweet bliss

    To make a partner tremble with excitement and moan at the mere touch of gentle fingers, it is enough for a masseuse to do the following:

    1. Grab the foot with one hand and massage it with soft circular motions, moving from the heel to the toes. Rub it on the sides with quick movements of the closed fingers of the palm.
    2. Grasp the foot with both hands so that the thumbs are on the ball of the foot. With them, lightly press on the sole from top to bottom, and then smooth out from the middle to the edge.
    3. Take the foot with your left hand, and with the thumb of your right hand rub its inner side in a circle, moving from the heel to the pad.
    4. Work out the outer edges of the heel with pinching movements, and then massage its base in circular motions.
    5. Put your fingers together to run them along the foot to the ankle. Then grasp the ankle to massage it with rotational movements from top to bottom.
    6. Pay attention to each toe. Grab your finger with your thumb and forefinger, and then massage, alternating sipping with pinching, rotation with flexion.
    7. Rotate the foot, clasping the leg with one hand above the ankle, and with the other, make rotational movements of the feet in one and the other direction.
    8. Finish the massage with soothing strokes. The left palm is placed on top, and the right palm is placed below.

    Rules to Consider

    There are several rules that will help to conduct an erotic foot massage with great effect:

    • Actions should be varied: eromassage, like prelude, does not tolerate monotony;
    • You should not rush: they act well with slow, smooth, gentle movements - for this you should put all the tenderness, feelings into your actions;
    • Stroking, rubbing, kneading should be alternated - depending on the intensity, they can relax or excite a person.

    In the process of massage, you can expand the boundaries a little. For example, pay attention to other parts of the body: calves, thighs, buttocks or back. It is also important to monitor the reaction of the partner in order to understand what kind of caresses give him the greatest pleasure.

    Tangible health benefits

    This type of erotic massage has several useful properties:

    • Enhances the production of hormones of joy and pleasure;
    • Brings sensual pleasure;
    • Calms and adjusts to an erotic mood;
    • It has a positive effect on the state of internal organs and the central nervous system.

    Eromassage with love for the feet in the network of salons EGOIST

    If you want to experience for yourself how sensual and soothing a foot massage can be, come to one of the EGOIST salons. Our girls have been trained by pros, so they know everything about this unusual technique of male eromassage. It can be included in the classical program as a warm-up or end the session. And even complemented by foot fetish techniques.

    Salons are open around the clock, and on the site you can choose one of 100+ girls who will make the session unforgettable. We invite men, girls and couples to try something new and have a fantastic experience!

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