Erotic massage services are provided both in the corresponding salons and at home, and the second option is usually chosen by those who fear an unexpected meeting in the salon and are worried about anonymity. Less often, masseuses are called to the house or come to them due to the remoteness of the salon. Erotic Massage is a service that hides under itself a lot of pleasure, if given correctly, and a spoiled mood, if the massage is performed by a non-professional.
In our today's article, we will look at the main mistakes of beginners (including second halves) and tell you what is the difference between massage in the salon and at home.
Erotic massage at home: is it really convenient?
You don't know anything about erotic massage if you haven't had a professional session yet. Many men mistakenly believe that stroking and rare touching with a breast, teasing nibbling and kissing a loved one is an erotic massage. In fact, Erotic Massage is a sacrament that allows you to completely throw absolutely all thoughts out of your head, get maximum pleasure and relax at the same time, and also get a professional healing massage.
Erotic Massage is always performed in a room where nothing connects you with reality. Meanwhile, Erotic Massage at home is always a touch with everyday life. With your way of life, if the masseuse comes to you, or with her personal life, if you come to her. Will you come across a folder with a report that ruined your mood for the next month? A riddle that would be better left unsolved. Will you see on the shelf a photo of a girl's family trying to please you? I would not like to know either. All this distracts from the true goal of Erotic Massage: a complete reboot, detachment from all material problems, immersion in the world of pleasure and exquisite pleasure, opening your sensuality and increasing the level of sensitivity.
Erotic massage at home often faces challenges such as:
- If your significant other conducts it, this is a lack of professional skills. Of course, it's nice when your body is kneaded, but a layman can unintentionally harm, causing you pain where it would be necessary to use less force. Not to mention, of course, the fact that your significant other is unlikely to be able to overcome the threshold of embarrassment and do everything that a professional masseuse is capable of, to your satisfaction.
- If Erotic Massage is performed by an individual masseuse, you are also not immune from unprofessionalism. And also from the fact that not such a beautiful nymph will come to you as in the photo: there is simply no link between you that would bear responsibility for this.
- At home, it is impossible to use the many accessories available in the salon, while with them the massage becomes even more delightful and exciting.

Erotic Massage SPb at home is always less than you deserve, and conducting such a massage can completely discourage you from ordering it ever again.
Erotic Massage SPb in a professional salon: a real pleasure!
Erotic Massage SPb in a professional salon has a number of obvious advantages that many simply do not know about:
- First of all, Erotic Massage SPb in the salon guarantees complete confidentiality. If you are afraid that someone will interfere with your wonderful evening or do not want to meet a colleague, the salon specialists will take care of your anonymity.
- In addition, Erotic Massage SPb in the salon is a wide selection of sessions and mind-blowing techniques that can drive you to a frenzy and warm up this state for a long time, after which an explosion of emotions and true bliss will cover you headlong, making you forget about everything in the world.
- Erotic Massage SPb in the salon can be preceded by an incendiary erotic show, during which beautiful girls will flirt with each other and slowly get rid of outfits, which were already emphasized rather than hidden. The degree of arousal is growing, and by the time the session begins, you already dream of girls touching you!
- Erotic Massage SPb in the salon is carried out in specially prepared rooms with everything you need, including a shower. All problems remain outside the door, and nothing distracts you from true enjoyment.

In addition, Erotic Massage SPb can also include spa elements, which will allow you not only to relax, but also to improve your health. Professional massage is always better than non-professional attempts that can discourage all desire. Meanwhile, professional erotic massage is an experience that every man should experience at least once in his life!
If you want to try a truly professional erotic massage, you just need to write to us in the chat or call the nearest salon, and we will tell you in detail about the services and the schedule, as well as book a convenient time for you!