Many people are sure that going to a massage salon — this is real cheating. However, massage techniques can be used both during intimacy and on their own. After all, their main task — not a culmination, but an increase in sensuality, relaxation, toning. The procedure has nothing to do with sexual intercourse. However, the pleasure can be even greater than with intimacy. Let's figure out what is the essence and how much% of betrayal in eromassage.

Why do men/women go for eromassage
Flirt, sex, massage — things that in society are still considered unacceptable for those people who have a family or a couple. Although in fact the situation should be looked at from a different angle. If a person is not satisfied with his sex life or he wants new sensations, it is dangerous to hide or suppress it. Not flirting or eromassage destroy couples. But secrets, dissatisfaction, lack of conversation.
The desire to try eromassage can appear for various reasons:
- Views on intimate life do not match
The wife has traditional views on sex, and the husband wants to try his hand at BDSM or group intimacy. However, he does not want to destroy the family / relationship, so he is content with dreams. In this case, he may choose an alternative to real infidelity — eromassage. After all, here, with the help of professional masseuses, you can simulate the proximity of the "threesomes" or relationship with mistress.
- Need to relieve stress
Someone relieves stress on a treadmill, someone — in the boxing ring, and someone goes to the eromassage salon. Professional masseuses not only knead all the muscles, but also deliver true sensual pleasure. Why do men prefer intimacy massage with wife or girlfriend? There can be many reasons. For example, the desire to have fun without doing anything for it.
- I want something new
In order for sex not to become a mechanical process, it must be approached with inspiration and passion. However, in the flow of everyday life, stress, conflicts, former feelings can cool. Often such a period falls on the birth of children, when the girl is extremely exhausted and not ready for intimacy, because the child requires every second presence.
In this situation, it will be useful and fair to attend a massage together or send your wife for an individual session so that she too can relax as much as possible. However, the format "four hands" usually the most efficient. First, one partner observes how the second experiences pleasure, and then vice versa. The excitement soars to its maximum heights, and the climax becomes exceptionally bright.
- Don't feel like making an effort
Sometimes you want to do everything for you. And you could just lie down and enjoy the process. However, in a life together, it is usually not easy to realize such a desire. First, it needs to be voiced. And with conversations on intimate topics in couples, it can be quite difficult. Secondly, the response can be negative. Therefore, the partner prefers to simply go the other way.

Can erotic massage be considered cheating
The main task of eromassage — it is to allow a person to experience relaxation, replenish his reserve of strength and go through a new sensory experience. Despite this, about 86% of people consider the procedure a betrayal, and only 14% perceive it normally. Usually favorably to the service are men. Girls rarely demonstrate a positive attitude, even if the process does not involve intimacy.
Each couple decides for themselves whether to consider massage a betrayal or not. Main — be able to talk on intimate topics with your partner or partner, so that you don’t have to hide your innermost fantasies in the far corner of your mind and suffer from the inability to realize them. Because it is precisely such situations that lead to the fact that the sexual life ceases to bring pleasure, and then the moment of real betrayal comes. Long-term relationships are built on openness and the ability to find a compromise that suits both.
What are the benefits of erotic massage
Erotic practice provides many benefits from which both partners benefit:
- Quality relaxes. After a hard day's work, you do not drag all the stress, irritation and anger home, but unload along the way. At the same time, you unload not only emotionally, but also physically. At a deep level. In the end they leave muscle cramps, pain, bad mood.
- Helps you learn more about yourself and others. A long foreplay is needed not only for a girl, but also for a guy. Only few people know about it. As a result, the sensations are not the same. However, in the hands of experienced masseuses, you will understand why foreplay is important and how many sensual points there are on the human body.
- Allows you to realize fantasies. For example, you want to have a group intimacy, but the partner does not agree. Then you can imitate it with the help of a four-hand session. Want to watch erotic dance? Add a peep show to your session. Are you going to prevent prostatitis? Get a prostate massage.

The network of eromassage salons «EGOIST» invites you and your partners to have a new sensory experience. Our locations work 24/7, and on the site you can pick up girls who perfectly match your personal ideas of seductiveness. More than 45 programs and loyalty programs are waiting for you. Administrators will ensure comfort and complete confidentiality.