Private erotic massage from time immemorial is considered one of the most effective techniques and sensual pleasures. This world’s popular technique allows you not only to fully experience all the stages of sexual arousal but also to get the full emotional and physical discharge. Private massage was indeed an integral part of life of the upper castes in ancient India.
What results can be expected after erotic massage session?
Advantages of private massage by qualified Egoist masseuses can be listed for a long time, but it can be stated unequivocally that:
- our customers begin to feel significant improvement in relations with their second halves after several sessions;
- our guests open up new horizons of senses during a session, and explore their erogenous zones to a qualitatively new level;
- private erotic massage improves self-esteem and self-confidence;
- private massage allows you to thoroughly clean your energy channels, to remove emotional tensions and stress, and to get a complete physical discharge.

If you are interested in private erotic massage in St. Petersburg, please contact one of Egoist Salons. And there are some objective reasons to do so:
- all Egoist Salons are fully complied with all the requirements and conditions that allow our customers to get the most pleasures. After all, quality private massage is not just about professional masseuses, but also about specially equipped facilities with an appropriate interior;
- it is not recommended to practice erotic massage in salons with a dubious reputation. There is no guarantee of service quality and good hygiene in this case.

Private massage technique is quite different from the same relaxing. Private erotic massage guarantees you to get incomparable pleasure. Our girls are not only beautiful and sexy, they are professional. Egoist masseuses have been properly trained and have decent experience.
We are always happy to see you in the Salon! Please visit us at any time, and enjoy the beauty of our girls and chic erotic massage!