If you want to give your man an unforgettable pleasure, we advise you to study body massage in more detail. This is an excellent sensual technique that will not leave anyone indifferent. By the way, during her performance, the girl can also get a lot of luxurious moments. Main — agree in advance that in the process of conducting proximity is not allowed. This will kindle the fire of passion to the very sky.

What is body massage
We all know that bodysuit is translated from English as "body". Therefore, body massage means that the girl kneads her guest with all parts of a luxurious body. But most often he uses the chest, hips, stomach, face and hair.
The technique is recognized as one of the simplest in the range of erotic massage. Pros note that it is enough to follow a few rules to keep both parties happy and satisfied. And, of course, they experienced a juicy climax.
Get Fiery Arousal and Other Benefits
Technique is useful in every way. Let's figure out what exactly:
- Relaxation of the whole body. The masseuse uses classic massage techniques to thoroughly work out every centimeter of the body, increase blood flow, and with it — sensitivity. As a result, fatigue, muscle cramps, pain syndrome disappear.
- Health promotion. Massage is useful not only for the condition of muscles, ligaments and joints. The increased movement of blood through the body has a positive effect on the work of all systems. Immunity rises, strength and vigor appear.
- The release of hormones of joy. Instead of the stress hormone — cortisol — you get a whole cocktail of hormones that make you feel joyful, optimistic, whole.
- Solving some intimate problems. We often do not have time to keep track of daily stresses when libido and potency began to decline. A unique sensual practice allows you to restore all the processes of excitation in the body, find new methods for excitation, and also prevent some problems. For example, prostatitis.
- Self-confidence increases. The girl pays all attention to the body of the guest, his desires and fantasies. She completely dissolves in the process, and the guest feels almost like a god.
- Sexual horizons are expanding. You can learn more about what erogenous zones are on the body, how to properly stimulate them. And also look inside yourself and better feel your needs, desires.

Good preparation — pledge of a bright climax
Women and men alike need competent preparation and foreplay. To make an erotic massage seem truly fantastic, you need to prepare a little.
- Place
For a body massage, you need a fairly large space. And an ordinary massage couch or a small bed may not be enough. Therefore, you first need to decide where the massage will be done. It’s good if you have a spacious mat or a large sofa at hand, which is not afraid to get dirty with massage oil.
If, during practice, the masseuse thinks about how difficult it will be to wash the sheets, no relaxation will come of it. A girl should be relaxed, seductive and occupied exclusively with male pleasure. Therefore, if there is no suitable furniture for the procedure, it is better to move to the floor and put blankets on it so that the partner is comfortable.
- Atmosphere
Massage includes show elements. This story is not only about bodily sensations and stimulation of erogenous zones. The visual component is important. Therefore, in the room you need to dim the lights, light candles, put on soft music. Nothing should interfere with sensual practice: neither swearing neighbors, nor a barking dog, nor the sound of a running washing machine. The right environment will allow you to create a sexual atmosphere and liberate yourself. Phones, TVs must be turned off, and all doors closed.
- Oil
In order for the masseuse's body to easily slide over the guest's body, you need a lot of massage oil. It is better to choose light, unobtrusively smelling products. In doing so, the following should be taken into account:
- Edible oils won't work — only special ones are needed, which, if they get on the genitals, will not provoke an undesirable reaction;
- oil should be used warm because the cold forces it to compress swear, strain: for this you need to put the oil in a bowl of warm water to warm it up;
- you can not use massage oil for sexual contact — special lubricants are required. The fact is that the oil can cause irritation, it is not compatible with latex condoms.

How to do a body massage so that a man considers you a goddess
Professional massage at home will not work. Exception: the girl studied techniques in practice. However, you can get a pleasant sensation and a luxurious climax if you follow the simple recommendations from our description.
- Slow Prelude
The basic position for body massage is as follows: one partner lies on his stomach, and the second generously applies warm oil to his back, arms, legs, neck. With strong strokes, the girl kneads the guest's body, starting from the shoulders and back and ending with the feet. Special attention is paid to the priest: when blood circulation increases in the pelvic area, excitement grows instantly.
Foreplay helps to warm up and relax. At the same time, the girl, with unhurried and seductive movements, begins to apply oil to her body, and the guy enjoys this luxurious spectacle. But he can't touch her or help her.
- Alternating different techniques
Eromassage can last several hours, while the host does not get tired of the process at all. And this is not surprising. When a luxurious naked girl walks over your body with heated breasts, elastic buttocks, and a tender tummy, it cannot tire you. Even if the contact becomes barely perceptible.
However, you should not perform the same technique. To begin, lower your chest to your partner's lower back, move it horizontally, and then rise to the very shoulders. Massage your shoulder blades with your chest and then lower yourself closer to your knees. And you can repeat this exciting scheme again.
You can lie on top of your partner so that the contact is as tight as possible and slide over him from the bottom up and back. It is worth choosing the position and those movements that bring maximum pleasure.
- Erotic show
Body massage — it is not only pleasant, but also beautiful. When a girl applies massage oil on herself with seductive movements, a man watches the process with pleasure and plunges into colorful fantasies. You can raise the bottle of oil above yourself and pour the liquid over your chest, stomach, buttocks, and then — on a partner. Feelings will be amazing.
The programs of sex salons often include a prelude in the form of a peep show or private dance. The man is located with the greatest comfort in order to follow with pleasure the relaxed movements of the girl, who undresses beautifully and naturally, and then caresses herself. The visual part is no less important than the tactile part. Therefore, it is worth choosing the right underwear or peignoir to make the show as spectacular as possible.
- Enable Miscellaneous
The more you know, the more interesting the experiment will be, and the man — more satisfied.
You need to lower the chest on the partner's lower back, in order to then gradually draw it up from the shoulder blades to the knees. And return along the same trajectory. If the girl has already mastered this technique, you can connect other parts of the body for massage: buttocks, abdomen, groin, face. For example, slide over a partner, touching him with elastic buttocks. Feelings will be fantastic. However, you need to be able to keep a balance and adapt to do it so as not to slip off your partner.
Wish track
This is a more complex and piquant technique. When performing, you need to slide up and down the partner’s body, touching alternately with the chest, face, stomach and even buttocks. Moreover, sliding should be carried out from the heels to the waist. Another variation of this technique involves sliding the cleavage across the penis between the breasts, and then pressing against it with the pubis and gently rolling up and down. Such an erotic massage will be incredibly sensual.
Good to know! Everything we have listed is important. Only one component is missing — enjoyment of the process. Such a massage should not become a tiring burden or a heavy burden for you. It will cease to bring joy and have any meaning if the girl performing it does not experience pleasure from the process. After all, it's one thing — perform a technique for a man, and quite another — for mutual enjoyment. You can simply smear yourself with oil, or you can rub it seductively and with passion into every centimeter of your body so that a man can enjoy the spectacle. Or, in the process of sliding, feel how your own erogenous zones respond to the vibrations of your guest.
- Correct weight distribution
In order to slide long and seductively over the male body, bringing the partner to a frenzy, you need to be in good physical shape. You will have to alternate light touches with more intense ones. However, if the hands are not strong enough, this will not work. Fatigue sets in too quickly.
It is important to correctly calculate your strength and correctly transfer the weight to your hands so that in the process you do not collapse directly on your partner. Therefore, girls who work in eromassage salons pay great attention to physical fitness and the condition of their bodies. If you have to do spicy practices for 3 hours, it can be seriously tiring and unsettling.

The network of eromassage salons «EGOIST» invites ladies and their men to attend a session together. You will be able to see how unique sensual practices are performed, as well as experience an incredible sexual experience. When visiting in pairs, the process is usually divided into parts: first, one partner watches how the girls massage his couple with four hands, and then vice versa. It acts as a powerful aphrodisiac.
Come for new sensations 24/7. More than 100 girls are ready to accompany you into the world of the unknown, and more than 45 — excellent field for experimentation. We guarantee your safety, privacy and comfort!